
24-27 Crescent St, Holroyd


Property Details

Address 24-27 Crescent St
Suburb Holroyd
Price Office $150 + GST / sqm / annum
Property Type commercial
Category Offices, Industrial/Warehouse, Showrooms/Bulky Goods
Floor Area 400 m2 - 450 m2
Parking Spaces 5
Availability Leased


Office Space | 450 sqm


+ Area of 450sqm approx.
+ Newly refurbished office space located on level 2
+ Lift access
+ Plenty of natural light
+ Ample on site parking
+ Suits a wide variety of users including professionals, Church groups, health/fitness and general industrial (subject to council approval)

Contact the Exclusive agents for an inspection.

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Agent Details

Peter Karam